Southern African Coal Mine Migrates from Analogue MPT-1327 to NEXEDGE Digital
A major open cast coal mining operation in South Africa completes its upgrade from analogue MPT-1327 to a trunked NEXEDGE NXDN system.
Mining for energy and the economy
South Africa is the fourth largest coal producer in the world with an output approaching 260 million tonnes in 2019.
It provides the country with a critical resource; coal powers some 80% of the country’s energy needs and the industry is an important contributor to the economy, employing some 92,230 people. More than 25% of production is exported and represents the country’s third largest source of foreign exchange behind platinum and gold.
“Over half of South Africa’s coal is
produced from surface mining, via opencast
or open-pit mines”
When the management of a large open cast coal mine, the primary coal supplier to the National Electricity Services, made the decision to upgrade from an existing analogue MPT- 1327 radio communications system to improve the signal quality to the full extent of the coverage area, they called in the experts from Global Communications, Kenwood’s distributor for Sub-Saharan Africa to find a solution.
In addition to site-wide coverage, the client also wanted to ensure an orderly migration to the new system with minimum disruption to operations and without risk to worker safety.
A Type-C, trunked NEXEDGE Digital NXDNTM system was selected as the preferred choice.
Type-C trunking is based on a centralised, control channel architecture where the trunking logic and allocation of traffic channels is executed via a dedicated control channel. It offers analogue MPT- 1327 users an extremely efficient and cost-effective migration path to the benefits of digital operation for several reasons, most specifically:
- Existing analogue and NXDN digital fleets can share a NEXEDGE base/repeater station in 12.5 kHz conventional Mixed Mode to provide uninterrupted service as long as needed.
- NEXEDGE NXDN trunked traffic channels can be shared with existing analogue conventional or trunked logic controllers throughout the transition to full NXDN implementation.
- Improved effective site coverage and audio quality.
The system provides both voice and SDS capability alongside enhanced worker safety and emergency features.